AS far as I have been able to ascertain, the Sumerians never actually referred to themselves as Sumerians but rather as "Mur Guti" from which we have derived the words, good, Goth and God. There is very very strong evidence to suggest that the King Arthur and Odin-THor legends actually came from Sumeria. The rig Vedas speak of a great Sun King who destroyed the moon and snake worshipping cults which were led by one Epeli of Iotun Garti (Abel of the Garden of Eden). THis King, amongst his many names and titles was referred to as Lord (IN) Udu or Odo which becomes Udu-In or Odo -In or Odin. One of his titles was Lord of the Deer or In-Dara or Indra or Andrew. I India to this day, their word for THursday or THor's day is Guru-day which has come down to us as Ge-Org or George. Saint (Xanthos in Greek for Blonde) George as his standard, flew the red cross. So did the Sumerian Lord Udu. In his human reflex he is known AS Ada-Mu. or Adam in the Hebrew Bible. Typically of the Hebrew propensity for lying and twisting ancient Aryan mythologies to suit themselves, they turned Cain into the bad guy and Abel into the good guy. Not surprising since the aforementioned serpent and moon worshipping cults were comprised of very early Semites. I could be wrong here but I think they were called the Chaldeans. THis great Sun King also had the title of Can, Con and Gon from which the Hebrews created the evil Cain.
The best authority on Sumerian history is Prof L.A. Waddell. Try to get some of his books if you can. It'll probably be a bit difficult as I don't think they are in print anymore but they are masterpieces of scholarly research.
Titles include: The Makers of Civilisation in Race and History
The Phoenician Origins of Britons Scots and Anglo Saxons
The Nordic Eddas
The British Eddas
To those out there who keep on with this we are the Twelve Tribes of Israel nonsense, try to get this into your heads. The Twelve Tribes never existed. It's allegorical language. It's the Twelve signs of the Zodiac.
The best authority on Sumerian history is Prof L.A. Waddell. Try to get some of his books if you can. It'll probably be a bit difficult as I don't think they are in print anymore but they are masterpieces of scholarly research.
Titles include: The Makers of Civilisation in Race and History
The Phoenician Origins of Britons Scots and Anglo Saxons
The Nordic Eddas
The British Eddas
To those out there who keep on with this we are the Twelve Tribes of Israel nonsense, try to get this into your heads. The Twelve Tribes never existed. It's allegorical language. It's the Twelve signs of the Zodiac.
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